A way of life station including an Attitude!! That’s why it is said that it’s the unique youngsters network of enjoyment. The place has centered its programs and special offers on developing a pattern in International Youth Lifestyle Design with a Sri Lankan taste.
Beign a Life style channel in the reagion and it’s surrounding areas, their applications and reveals are most took in by the youngsters and they reveals a lot of attention in their sections.

The Y FM is a private British terminology FM Stereo Station in the Isle. During 2005, it was released and aired the best stay transmitting on the regularity of 97.2 MHz in the whole nation 24 times in a day. Y FM 92.7 station is a youngsters enjoyment and songs in through out the Sri Lanka. FM 92.7 is a most popular and took in place of the nation.
Their DJ’s and RJ’s are knowledgeable and their applications structure is modifying on regular foundation with the effort to make the audience be happy enough as they could do. This FM largely encourages the way of life of the whole nation and signify the country areas all over the globe with the concept of enjoyment. It has the so many shows in Sinhala terminology and mainly concentrate on the individuals with Sinhala language and exclusively enhance their styles, way of life.